WHEN HAYDEN ROLEN ISN’T SHREDDING GUITAR STRINGS, HE’S SHATTERING CLAYS as the Missouri State High School Clay Target League’s reigning Fall Season High Overall Average. The multi-talented musician from Thayer has climbed the charts in a short amount of time.
PullUSA: What do you enjoy about the League?

Hayden Rolen: It has been a lot of fun. Spending time at practice with my teammates. We had so much fun and learned so much in such a short time. It was a great learning experience. I can’t wait until next season starts up.
PullUSA: When did you first learn to shoot?
Rolen: Around two years ago. My dad took me shooting a couple times before the team was formed. I started off busting around four targets a round to being high point average in our class in the state.
PullUSA: What club do you shoot at?
Rolen: I shoot at Rover Gun Club in Rover, Missouri and Fulton County Trap Range in Salem, Arkansas. My friends always joked with me for wearing shorts no matter how cold it was and not being “country” enough.
PullUSA: Any coaches or teammates you want to give a shoutout to?
Rolen: Thank you to Coach Teanna Simpson for providing us with this opportunity. Thank you to Lester Jett at Rover Gun Glub for all his expertise. Thank you to Scott Moody for giving us opportunities to practice at Fulton County Trap Range. Thank you to Robert Simpson for all his support. Thank you to all my teammates for working hard every practice, every round, and making each one of us better!
PullUSA: What other hobbies do you have?

Rolen: I like to play music in a band. I play lead guitar, piano, and vocals. We play a lot of classic rock and a little country.
PullUSA: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received on the line?
Rolen: I try to not worry too much as I shoot and take it one bird at a time.