ANDREW THYER BURST ONTO THE IOWA STATE HIGH SCHOOL CLAY TARGET LEAGUE with the 2020 Season High Overall Average. But he doesn’t just crush clays. The Osage High School senior plays multiple sports, builds computers, restores tractors, and much more.

PullUSA: What’s the best thing about the League?
Andrew Thyer: I have enjoyed competing for Osage in the Clay Target League. I really like shooting with my squad. For me, it has been a great way to connect with others who enjoy shooting clay targets as much as I do. We all encourage each other to be better. My favorite part is the time spent on the line competing.
I think it is a great way to meet new friends—not just in your own hometown, but as you travel and compete in other places, you get to meet all kinds of interesting people.
PullUSA: When did you first learn to shoot?
Thyer: I started shooting five years ago through the Iowa 4-H Shooting Sports program in Mitchell County. I loved it right away. Trap shooting was fun and I really enjoyed it, especially the competitions.
PullUSA: Will you continue to shoot after high school?
Thyer: Yes, I will be attending Wartburg College to study chemistry and computer science and I am committed to shoot on the Wartburg College Clay Target team.
PullUSA: What other activities do you enjoy?
Thyer: I participate in baseball, esports, basketball, football, FFA, National
Honor Society, band, and of course trap shooting at school. I am in 4-H. I enjoy hunting, fishing, biking, and building computers in my spare time. I also like to restore old tractors—I have restored a 1948 John Deere B tractor and a 1951 8N Ford tractor.
PullUSA: Would you recommend the League to other students and families?
Thyer: Absolutely, the Clay Target League is a great way for students to get involved and try something new. Clay Target League doesn’t only teach you how to hit the clay targets, it teaches gun safety and respect. And unlike other sports, everyone on the team gets to participate—everyone gets to shoot on meet day. I enjoy helping other kids get started and watching them improve as the season goes on.