DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS SITS WACO SKEET & TRAP CLUB, the region’s premier clay shooting facility for more than a half century.
The member-owned club, features a 5-stand, 17 skeet fields, and nine trap fields for athletes of all ages, including those participating in the Texas State High School Clay Target League’s annual State Tournaments. The 2019 TXSHSCTL Trap State Tournament was won by Ira High School, led by female High Gun champs Heather Spires and Alyssa Cowan. Their teammates—siblings Hannah and Cooper Caswell—both placed third in their respective divisions. In the TXSHSCTL Skeet State Tournament, Andres High School claimed the top spot, paced by first-place finishers in almost every division. Ira’s Hannah Caswell finished first on the High Gun Novice Female leaderboard while serving as PullUSA’s Media Ambassador at this year’s event.

“The Texas State High School Clay Target League State Tournaments have
always been an event that we look forward to, and we hope to see it continue to grow,” said club president Drew Fryman. “Many of our members are there to assist with the shoot. They really enjoy seeing kids interested in shooting sports as well as the continued growth of a sport that we all enjoy.” But that’s not all. In addition to the State Tournaments, many other organizations visit Waco Skeet & Trap Club on an annual basis.
“We’re proud to host several youth shooting events every year,” Fryman said. Across the club’s membership roster, you’ll find a wealth of experienced, skilled shooters ready to pass along what they’ve learned to the next generation. It’s a way to reinvigorate the sport and replenish the ranks as younger ones take their place on the field. “We want to be there to ensure they have a place to grow and get better as they continue to shoot,” Fryman said. “I really like to see the kids shooting. In the trap shooting world, I am a young guy at 36 years old. Even if the kids stop shooting once they leave high school, I hope they’ll come back once they’ve established themselves in their lives.”

But no matter if you’re a student looking for serious competition or an
afternoon of fun, Fryman encourages everyone to give the sport a shot.
“Shooting is a skill and a hobby that you can have for the rest of your life,” he said. “The friendships that you will build will bridge across many different generations and give you access to knowledge that most will never know.”