As a proud sponsor of the USA Clay Target League for many years, Walker’s has been dedicated to providing quality, affordable hearing protection to athletes so that they don’t fall victim to an enemy that no one can see—sound.
Sound may not seem like something to worry about—you can’t see sound
waves—but they’re there, and they can damage the ears of the unprotected in seconds. The League continues to lead the shooting sports world in terms of growth, and as shooting sports grow and introduce more and more youth to clay target sports, more and more young athletes run the risk of this invisible enemy damaging their hearing. As a mid-50s guy who grew up shooting shotgun shells by the thousands with an Army Ranger dad and two older brothers, I know that invisible enemy hit all of us. As we shot round after round without hearing protection, we damaged our ears so badly that sometimes the only thing we hear loudly and clearly is the ringing in our ears.

Walker’s hearing protection wasn’t at my house in the 70s, but being blessed to be a part of the Walker’s company now ensures that my wife, children, their friends, and all my buddies will have their hearing protected. I’m also proud that Walker’s is there to help athletes, coaches, and parents protect their hearing and that of their friends and loved ones.
We all want youth clay target shooting sports to succeed, and part of that formula of success is making sure athletes have the equipment they need to enjoy the sport safely. A safe experience on the range ensures that they’re hooked, and it’s a domino effect—they talk to friends, a sibling, a teacher and more and more are introduced and hooked on clay target sports.