The League is proud to announce that SportsEngine is now the Official Technology Partner of the High School Clay Target League!
Founded in 2008, the Minnesota-born company is the leading online software platform for teams around the US with over 5 million active users of its app for youth and amateur sports leagues. “We chose SportsEngine because of its proven ability to develop and maintain effective online tools for coaches and team managers to connect with families,” said League Vice President John Nelson. “As Official Technology Partner, SportsEngine will provide the necessary infrastructure to support the explosive growth the League is experiencing.”
SportsEngine (SE) will be providing custom sport life management web software and mobile applications for families, student athletes, and coaches. Its platform features a suite of tools that helps the League to manage, connect, and communicate with athletes, coaches, and parents.

For athletes, SportsEngine will provide a robust registration system that will take care of both League and event participation signup. In addition, athletes will be able to recieve messages via email or text messaging from coaches informing them about team activities and important information. Athletes will be able to be able to contact other team members and families, and will be able to manage their profile information as needed.
Parents will love the tools provided by SportsEngine as well. Families with multiple League athletes will no longer have to make separate payments for each athlete – they’ll now be able to register and pay for every team member in their family with just one account! Additionally, they’ll be able to view team and League calendars, manage electronic notifications, and make fee payments via SportsEngine’s secure payment system.

Coaches will love the new team management tools! Not only will they be able to register their team and manage rosters, they’ll also be able to send emails and text messages to their athletes, post a team schedule, and add photos, videos and other posts! They’ll even be able to schedule events and manage attendance through RSVPs. In addition, an optional background screening application called ‘Verify’ will be available for teams to fulfill any school-required security checks.
And that’s not all! Prior to season start, coaches will be able to use the Sitebuilder system to create team websites that will be hosted through the League’s homepage. This easy to use ‘drag-and-drop’ system will allow coaches to add a schedule, news, photos, stats, and more so parents and students can stay informed.
The League is very excited to continue to offer the best team and athlete management tools available to our coaches and staff! Look for these new tools to be available for this year’s registration!